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Reach peak potential

Our goal is to develop comprehensive, research-based curriculum materials that fill the gaps in current offerings by focusing on essential student outcomes.

Founded in 2023, Peak Curriculum empowers adults to effectively teach the content students need most. Our work is based on Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s 50 years of education experience and his ongoing interaction and partnership with educators across the United States.

In addition to traditional academic content in mathematics, English language arts (ELA), science, and social studies, Peak Curriculum provides resources that support students as they learn the skills needed to interact with themselves and others (self-system skills), regulate their learning and increase their motivation (metacognitive skills), analyze new information at deep cognitive levels (cognitive analysis skills), and apply new learning to unique situations (knowledge application skills).

A deep dive for soaring success


Vocabulary development is foundational to effective communication and comprehension. By expanding students' vocabularies, Peak Curriculum enhances their ability to understand and engage with complex texts across all subjects.

A strong vocabulary is crucial for academic success and effective communication in everyday life. It allows students to articulate their thoughts clearly, understand instructions, and engage in meaningful conversations, thus making them more confident and capable in diverse situations.

Metacognitive skills

Metacognition involves thinking about one's own thinking. It helps students become aware of their learning processes, allowing them to plan, monitor, and evaluate their approach to problem-solving and studying.

Developing metacognitive skills empowers students to take control of their learning. In real life, this translates to better decision making, self-awareness, and the ability to adapt to new situations. These skills are essential for lifelong learning and personal growth.

Cognitive analysis

Cognitive analysis refers to the ability to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This skill helps students think critically and approach challenges in a structured and logical manner.

Cognitive analysis is essential for problem solving and decision making. Whether in academic settings, at work, or in personal situations, the ability to analyze information critically and make informed decisions is invaluable.

Knowledge application

Knowledge application is the process of using acquired knowledge in practical situations. It bridges the gap between theoretical understanding and real-world implementation.

Applying knowledge is what turns learning into action. In life outside of school, students will need to use what they've learned to solve problems, make decisions, and achieve goals. This skill ensures they can transfer their academic success to real-life scenarios.

Self skills

Self skills encompass a range of personal management skills, including self-discipline, time management, and emotional regulation. These skills are vital for independent learning and personal development.

Self skills are crucial for success in any aspect of life. Whether managing time effectively, handling stress, or staying motivated, these skills enable students to navigate challenges, build resilience, and achieve their personal and academic goals.

Item frames

Item frames are frameworks that help students categorize and organize information effectively. This concept teaches students to structure their thoughts and present information in a coherent manner.

In both academic and professional settings, the ability to organize information clearly is critical. Item frames help students present their ideas logically, making them more persuasive and effective communicators. This skill is particularly important in writing, presentations, and collaborative work.

What do your students need?

Reach out and we can tailor a learning program that works best for you.

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